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Reports 1983-2006 Conferences

1. The 7th International Congress of procedural Law, Wurzburg, Germany, 1983.


The members of the Association took active part on the preparation of a major reports on Judicial Independence for the 7th International Congress of Procedural Law 1984 in Wurzburg (Prof. Enrique Vescovi)

2. The 12th Congress of Comparative Law, Sydney-Melbourne, Australia, 1986


In 1986 the members of the Association took part in the 12th Congress of Comparative Law in Sydney-Melbourne 1986, and presented General Report on human rights, "Limits and Promises of International Norms and Procedures for the Protection of Human RIghts"


3. The International Congress of the World Association on Procedural Law in Role and Organization of Judges and Lawyers in Contemporary Societies, Coimbra-Lisboan, Portugal, 1991.


The members of the Association submitted a major reports on Judicial Independence in 1991 IXth International Congress of the International Association of Procedural Law, see Shimon Shetreet and Nicola Picardi "Independence and Responsibility of Judges and Lawyers: General Report to the 1991 International Congress of the World Association on Procedural Law in Role and Organization of Judges and Lawyers in Contemporary Societies", Papers of the IXth World Conference on Procedural Law (Coimra-Lisboan, Portugal, 1991). Role and Organization of Judges and Lawyers in Contemporary Societies (9th World Conference on Procedural Law, Coimbra-Lisboa, September 1991)

4. The 50th Annivesary of the International Association of Procedural Law, Ghent, Belgium, 2000


The Members of the Association contributed to the study of the role of judges in Society in the 50th Anniversary of the International Association of Procedural Law in 2000 at the University of Ghent, focusing on The Discretionary Power of the Judge, see Marcel Storme and Burckhardt Hess (eds.), DISCRETIONARY POWER OF THE JUDGE: LIMITS AND CONTROL (Procedure Ghent 2000; Kluwer 2003), Report of Shimon Shetreet and Burkhardt Hess on "The Discretionary Power of the Judge" pp. 73-116. (On the occasion of the 500th Anniversary of the University of Ghent)


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