The New Delhi Standards 1982
The New Delhi Standards

​New Delhi Code of Minimum Standards of Judicial Independence 1982 was adopted in October 1982, after an intensive study and a series of conferences in 1980-1982​
The New Delhi Standards Conferences 1980-1982
​The New Delhi Standards 1982 was developed in a series of conferences held in Berlin, Lisbon, Jerusalem, and New Delhi.

The New Delhi Publications
Shimon Shetreet and Jules Deschenes, Judicial Independence: The Contemporary Debate (1985 Martinus Nijhoff).

The New Delhi Participants
The New Delhi standards project was conducted and led by distinguished jurists.
The General Coordinators were Justice Hease and Chief Justice King. The General Rapporteur was Professor Shimon Shetreet and there were 29 National Rapporteurs and 15 Topocal Rapporteurs.
View the Full Participants List