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International Project of judicial independence

Mt Scopus Standards Conferences Series




Jointly sponsored by the Hebrew University  of Jerusalem Faculty of law and the University of Cambridge Centre of Public Law

Officers and Conferences of  the International project on  judicial independence  

General Coordinator, International Project on Judicial Independence

Professor Shimon Shetreet,  Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law , Hebrew University of Jerusalem, former  Director, Sacher Institute of Comparative Law

I. Co Chairs of the international conference on Judicial Independence in International Law Jerusalem 26-27 June 2007

Professor Shimon Shetreet , Director, Sacher Institute of Comparative Law , and Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law , Hebrew University of Jerusalem,

Professor James R. Crawford,   Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge


II Officers of the international conference on Judicial Independence for the Drafting of the International Standards of Judicial Independence  Zurich Area Conference  30 November -1st of December 2007

Professor Shimon Shetreet , Co Chair of the Conference .Director, Sacher Institute of Comparative Law , and Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law , Hebrew University of Jerusalem,

Professor Christopher F Forsyth, Co Chair of the Conference Director Centre of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge

Professor Marcel Storm, Emeritus Professor, Ghent University, Past President of the World Association of Procedural Law , Leader of the Discussions

HE Markus Buechel ,Chair of the Local Organising Committee


III  Co Chairs of the international conference on Judicial Independence and the Constitutional Position of the Judiciary  Jerusalem March 18-20  2008


Professor Shimon Shetreet , Co Chair of the Conference .Director, Sacher Institute of Comparative Law , and Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law , Hebrew University of Jerusalem,

Professor Christopher F Forsyth, Co Chair of the Conference Director Centre of Public Law, Faculty of Law
University of Cambridge


IV. Co Chairs of the international conference on Judicial Independence :the Challenge of implementing the international Standards   Krakow November   2008


Professor Shimon Shetreet , Co Chair of the Conference .Director, Sacher Institute of Comparative Law , and Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law , Hebrew University of Jerusalem,

Prof. Dr. Fryderyk Zoll, Faculty of Law ,Jagelonian University ,Krakow

V. Co Chairs of the international conference on the The Culture of Judicial  independence   Conceptual Foundations and Practical Challenges University of Cambridge  14-16  August    2009

Professor Shimon Shetreet , Co Chair of the Conference . Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law , Hebrew University of Jerusalem, past Director, Sacher Institute of Comparative Law ,

Professor Christopher F Forsyth, Co Chair of the Conference Director Centre of Public Law, Faculty of Law ,University of Cambridge
VI. Co Chairs of the international conference on Judicial independence; Challenges For Judicial Independence 
Implementing judicial independence in multi cultural societies and in times of crisis, University of Utah   1-3  October 2010


Professor Shimon Shetreet , Co Chair of the Conference . Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law , Hebrew University of Jerusalem, past Director, Sacher Institute of Comparative Law ,

Dean Hiram Chodosh , Co Chair of the Conference Dean  School  of Law ,University  of Utah 

Prof. Wayne McCormack , Co Chair of the Conference Dean  School  of Law ,University  of Utah 


VII. Co Chairs of the international conference on Judicial independence
University of Vienna   20-22 May 2011 


Professor Shimon Shetreet , Co Chair of the Conference . Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law , Hebrew University of Jerusalem, past Director, Sacher Institute of Comparative Law ,

Prof Walter Rechberger  , Co Chair of the Conference ,Faculty   of Law ,University  of Vienna  



VIII Co Chairs of the International Conference on Judicial Independence and Globalisation
City University of Hong Kong 21-23 March 2012


Professor Shimon Shetreet , Co Chair of the Conference . Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law , Hebrew University of Jerusalem, past Director, Sacher Institute of Comparative Law

Professor Anton Cooray ,Associate Dean , City University of Hong Kong


IX. Co Chairs of the International Conference on Judicial Independence: Impartiality and fairness of the judicial process
University of Ghent 18-20 October 2012

Professor Shimon Shetreet , Co Chair of the Conference . Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law , Hebrew University of Jerusalem, past Director, Sacher Institute of Comparative Law

Professor Marcel Storme, University of Ghent, Belgium, Honorary  President, international association of procedural law


X. Co Chairs of the International Conference on Judicial Independence: Rule of Law and World Peace 
University of San Diego   August  2013

Professor Shimon Shetreet , Co Chair of the Conference . Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law , Hebrew University of Jerusalem, past Director, Sacher Institute of Comparative Law

Professor Maimon Schwartzchild ,  Co Chair of the Conference ,University of San Diego


XI. International Conference on Judicial Independence: Moscow State University of Law; Judicial Independence as Essential Foundation of Justice and Peace, May 2014.


XII. International Conference on Judicial Independence: Osnabruck University; Ensuring Fairness in Cases Invovling Foreign Parties in Domestic Courts, October 2014.


XIII. International Conference on Judicial Independence in a Globalized Legal Culture: The Use of Foreign and Transnational Precedents by National Supreme Courts. Bologna and Milano, June 2015.


XIV. International Conference on Judicial Independence in Times of Transition of Government and Impartiality for Foriegn Parties in Domestic Courts. Krakow, Poland, at the School of the Judiciary, January 2016.




VII. Members of the Consultation Group of the International Project of Judicial Independence

Dr Cyrus Das, Former President of the Bar of Malaysia

Dr. Anat Scolnicov, Deputy Director, Centre of Public Law, University of Cambridge

Prof. Dr. Fryderyk Zoll, Faculty of Law ,Jagelonian University ,Krakow

Prof. Yuval Shany, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

H.E. Advocate Markus Buechel, Senior Lawyer, Liechtenstein

Justice Tassaduq Hussain Jillani, Judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan

Prof. Yitzhak Hadari, Tel Aviv University, Natanya College Law

Professor Maimon Schwarzschild, Faculty of Law, University of San Diego

Professor Ada Pellegrini Grinover, Brazil

Professor Albert Chen,  Professor of Law  ,Hong Kong University

Professor Andreyj J. Zoll, Former President of Constitutional Court of Poland

Professor Anton Cooray, The School of Law, City University of Hong Kong

Professor Bernhard Ehrenzeller , Universität St.Gallen

Professor Bryant G. Garth, American Bar Foundation

Professor Chandra R De Silva, Dean, College of Arts and Letters at Old Dominion University

Professor Christopher F Forsyth, Director Centre of Public Law, Faculty of Law University of Cambridge


Professor Daniel Thurer, Universität Zürich

Professor David Feldman, Chairman of the Faculty Board of Law, Faculty of Law University of Cambridge


Professor Dmitry Magonya, Senior Advocate, ART DE LEX Law Firm, Moscow


Professor Dmitry Maleshin, Moscow State Lomonosov, University Law Faculty

Professor Asher Maoz, Tel-Aviv University, Faculty of Law

Professor Dr. Burkhardt Hess ,   University of  Heidelberg

Prof Yoav Dotan , Dean Faculty of Law  Hebrew University

Dr.  Tomer Braude, Faculty of Law  Hebrew University

Professor Dr. Francisco Ramos Mendez ,  Univ of  Barcelona

Professor Dr. Paul Oberhammer , Universität Zürich

Professor Dr. Winfried Brugger  ,   Universitat Heidelberg

Professor Frank Bates, School of Law, University of Newcastle Australia

Paul Morris, Barrister York UK

Prof. Sir Louis Blom Cooper, UK

Professor Judith Resnik, Yale Law School

Professor Federico Carpi ,   President of the World -Association of Procedural Law

Professor Garry D. Watson, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University

Professor Gary J Simson, Dean, Case Western Reserve University 

Prof Joseph Weiler  , New York University

Professor Walter Habscheid, Prof Emeritus, University of Zurich   

Professor Hans Walter Fasching , Austria

Professor Hiram Chodosh, Dean, S.J. College of Law, the University of Utah

Professor Hoong Phun ('HP') LEE, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Law, Monash University

Professor James Nemeth,   Eotvos Lorand University   , Hungary

Professor James R Crawford, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge

Professor John Anthony Jolowicz, Trinity College, University of Cambridge

Professor John Bell, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge

Professor Jonathan Entin, Case Western Reserve University School of Law

Professor Keith Uff, Executive Secretary General, International Association of Procedural Law, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Birmingham

Professor KK Venogopal,   Senior Advocate of the Supreme Court India

Professor Konstantinos D. Kerameus, University of Athens Greece

Professor Marcel Storme, Ghent University, Past President of the World -Association of Procedural Law

Professor Martin Friedland, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto

Professor Masahisa Deguchi, Faculty of Law, Ritsumeikan University

Professor Michel Rosenfeld  ,Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University

Professor Moshe Hirsh, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Professor Neil H. Andrews, University of Cambridge, Clare College, 

Professor Neil James Williams, University of Melbourne,

Professor Nikolas Klamaris, University of Athens 

Professor Oscar G. Chase,    New York University School of Law

Professor Pelayia Yessiou-Faltsi, Faculty of Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Professor Per Henrick Lindblom, Faculty of Law, Uppsala University Juridicum

Professor Peter Gilles , Institut fur Rechtsvergleichung Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitat 

Professor Peter Gottwald   , Universitat Regensburg, Secretary General World association of procedural Law

Professor  John Anthony Jolowicz University of Cambridge

Professor Roger Perrot   , Université de Paris 

Professor Ruth Lapidot, Faculty of Law Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Professor Sean McConville, Professor of Law and Professorial Research Fellow School of Law  Queen Mary College , University of London


Professor Sergey Nikitin, Russian Academy of Justice

Professor Shimon Shetreet, Director, Sacher Institute of Comparative Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Professor Stephen Goldstein, Emeritus Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Professor Stephen Marks  , Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Professor of Health and Human Rights Department of Population and International Health Harvard School of Public Health.

Professor Vernon Bogdanor, Oxford University 

Professor Walter H. Rechberger, University of Vienna

Professor Walther J. Habscheid  ,Emeritus Professor ,University of Geneva and University of Zurich

Professor Yasuhei Taniguchi  Tokyo   Japan

Professor Yoav Dotan,    Dean Faculty of Law Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Professor Zhivko Stalev, Bulgaria


Appendix 2


International Law Association Study Group on the Practice and Procedure of International Courts and Tribunals   on the Independence of  International Judges 



Philippe Sands, Professor of Law, University College London; Co-Director, Project on International Courts and Tribunals


Campbell McLachlan, Professor, Deputy Dean, School of Law, Victoria University of Wellington



Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Professor of International Law, University of Geneva

Rodman Bundy, Frere Cholmeley Eversheds, Paris ,

James Crawford, Whewell Professor of International Law, Cambridge University,

Hans van Houtte, Professor of International Law, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 

Mojtaba Kazazi, United Nations Compensation Commission ,

Francisco Orrego Vicuna, Professor of International Law, University of Chile ,

Alain Pellet, Professor of International Law, Université Paris X Nanterre

Davis Robinson, LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae,

Soli Sorabjee, Attorney General of India, 

Margrete Stevens, Senior Counsel, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes



Shimon Shetreet and Christopher Forsyth, Editors ,The Culture of judicial independence : Conceptual Foundations and Practical Challenge ,Martinus Nijhoff , 2012

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