Mt. Scopus Standards 2007 - Current

The Mount Scopus Standards
The Mt. Scopus Standards were approved in Jerusalem on 2008, amended in Vienna at 2011 and approved in Ghent at 2012 after amendments in San Diego 2013, Moscow 2014, Osnabrueck October 2014, Bologna and Millan 2015, Krakow 2016, London 2018 and Jerusalem 2022.

Mt Scopus Standards International Standards Of Judicial Independence Consolidated 2022​
Bologna Milano Global Code of Judicial Ethics 2015

Mt. Scopus Conferences
During 2007-2013 the Project organized 10 conferences: Jerusalem 2007, vaduz 2007, Jerusalem 2008, Krakow 2008, Cambridge 2009, Utah 2010, Vienna 2011, Hong Kong 2012, Ghent 2012, San Diego 2013, Moscow 2014, Osnabruck 2014, Bologna and Milano 2015 and Krakow 2016, and London 2018.

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Mt. Scopus Participants
Many distinguished jurists took part in the conferences.

View the officers of the conference

Mt. Scopus Publications
Shimon Shetreet and Wayne McCormack (ed.), THE CULTURE OF JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE IN A GLOBALISED WORLD (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2016).


Mt. Scopus Publications
Shimon Shetreet (ed.), THE CULTURE OF JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE: RULE OF LAW AND WORLD PEACE (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2014).


Mt. Scopus Publications
Shimon Shetreet and C. Forsyth (eds.), THE CULTURE OF JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE: CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS AND PRACTICAL CHALLENGES, 637+xlix pp. (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2012).
