The Mt. Scopus Conferences 2007-current

1.The International conference on Judicial Independence, Jerusalem Israel 2007

2. The international conference on Judicial Independence for the Drafting of the International Standards of Judicial Independence, Vadouz, December 2007
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3. International conference on Judicial Independence and the Constitutional Position of the Judiciary, Jerusalem Israel March 2008

4. International conference on Judicial Independence: Comparative Analysis and Challenges of Implementation
Jagelonian University , Krakow October 2008.

5. International conference on the Culture of Judicial independence Conceptual Foundations and Practical Challenges, University of Cambridge UK August 2009.

6. The international conference on judicial independence; challenges for judicial independence, implementing judicial independence in multi cultural societies and in times of crisis, Utah law School Salt Lake City, Utah October 2010.

7. International conference on judicial independence: Culture of Judicial Independence: Essential Element for Economic Order University of Vienna May 2011.

8. International conference on judicial independence Hong Kong City University March 2012.

9. International Conference on Judicial Independence:
Impartiality and Fairness of the Judicial Process, University of Ghent October, 2012.

11. International Conference on Judicial Independence: Moscow State University of Law; Judicial Independence as Essential Foundation of Justice and Peace
Moscow May 2014

13. International Conference on Judicial Independence in a Globalized Legal Culture: The Use of Foreign and Transnational Precedents by National Supreme Courts.
Bologna and Milano, June 2015.

15. International Conférence on Judicial Independence: Global Challenges and Appropriate Remedies; and Measuring Justice and the Rule of Law.
London, June 2018.

17. International Association of judicial Independence and World Peace: Contemporary Challenges of Judicial Independence.
Potsdam, February 2020.
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Conference Summary

10. International conference on judicial independence: University of San Diego August 2013
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12. International Conference on Judicial Independence: Osnabruck University; Ensuring Fairness in Cases Invovling Foreign Parties in Domestic Courts
Osnabruck October 2014

14. International Conference on Judicial Independence in Times of Transition of Government and Impartiality for Foriegn Parties in Domestic Courts.
Krakow, Poland, January 2016.

16. Conference of the International Association of Judicial Independence will be on Measuring Justice and the Rule of Law.
Claremont, March 2019.
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18. International Association of Judicial Independence and World Peace:
Hebrew University of Jerusalem at Mt. Scopus on January 4-6, 2022.
This conference marked the 40th anniversary of the first international conference on judicial independence held in 1981 in Jerusalem. That conference approved the draft Code of Minimum Standards of Judicial Independence, which was adopted in New Delhi in 1982.
Co Chairs: Professor Shimon Shetreet, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Professor Hiram Chodosh, President, Claremont-McKenna College and Professor Eric Helland.