Officers of the Montreal Conference
Chairman of the conference
Chief Justice Jules Deschens, Chief Justice of Quebec
Commissions of Montreal Conference
​Commission of International Judges
Chairs: Judge Oxner and Batonnier Pettiti
​Commission of National Judges
Chairs: Justice Gonthier and Professor Shimon Shetreet
​Commission of Lawyers
Chairs: Bttonier Louis Phillippe de Grandpre, and Debo Akande
​Commission of the Jury
Chairs: Chief Justice William Sinclair and Mr. James Parkison
​Commission of the Assessors
Chairs: Judge Guerin and Judge Poirier
​Other Contributors of Papers in the conference
Mauro Cappelletti
Debo Akande
Marc-Andrg Ballard,
​Judge Jules Deschenes
Bttonier Louis Phillippe de Grandpre
​Judge Guerin
Justice Haese,
Justice Gonthier
Professor Mark MácGuigan,
Lord Lane
​Judge Oxner
Mr. James Parkison
Judge Poirier
​Simone Rozes
Professor Shimon Shetreet
Manfred Simon
​William Sinclair
​L. M. Singhvi,
Sir Ninian Stephen

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