The Montreal Decleration 1983
The Montreal Declaration
Montreal Declaration, The Universal Declaration on The Independence of Justice was unanimously adopted at the final plenary session of the first world conference on the independence of justice held at montreal (quebec, canada) on june 10th, 1983

Montreal Publications
Shimon Shetreet and Jules Deschenes, Judicial Independence: The Contemporary Debate (1985 Martinus Nijhoff).

Montreal Participants
130 distinguished jurists took part in the conference. The leaders ,,, the chairs are as follows:
​Chairman of the conference: Chief Justice Jules Deschens, Cheif Justice of Quebeq 1983
Chairs of Commissions of Montreal Conference
​Commission of International Judges: Chairs: Judge Oxner and Batonnier
Commission of National Judges: Chairs: Justice Gonthier and Professor Shimon Shetreet
Commission of Lawyers: Chairs: Bttonier Louis Phillippe de Gramdpre, and Debo Akande
Commission of the Jury: Chairs: Chief Justice William Sinclair and Mr. James Parkison
Commission of the Assessors: Chairs: Judge Guerin and Judge Poirer
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