Menachem Hofnung
Judicial Independence Publications
1.Menachem Hofnung (1996). "The Unintended Consequences of Unplanned Legislative Reform: Constitutional Politics in Israel". American Journal of Comparative Law, vol. 44, pp. 585-604.
Reprinted in Gregory Mahler (Editor) (2000), Israel, Aldershot: Dartmouth Publishing Co., pp. 133-162.
2. Menachem Hofnung (1999). "Israeli Constitutional Politics: The Fragility of Impartiality". Israel Affairs, vol. 5(2-3), pp. 34-54.
3. Dotan Yoav & Menachem Hofnung (2001). “Interest Groups in the High Court of Justice: Measuring success in Litigation and in Out-of-Court Settlements". Law and Policy, vol. 23(1), pp. 1-28.
4. Dotan Yoav & Menachem Hofnung (2005). “Legal Defeats - Political Wins: Why Do Elected Representatives Go to Court?”. Comparative Political Studies, vol. 38(1), pp. 75-103.
5. Dor Gal & Menachem Hofnung (2006). “Litigation as Political Participation”. Israel Studies, vol. 11(2), pp. 131-157.
Frisch Hillel & Menachem Hofnung (2007). Power or Justice? Rule and Law in the Palestinian Authority. Journal of Peace Research, vol. 44(3), pp. 331-348.
6. Menachem Hofnung (2009). Litigating Military Service at Civil Court. Australian Journal of Political Science 44(1) 97-114.
7. Menachem Hofnung and Keren Weinshall-Margel (2010). "Judicial Setbacks, Material Gains: Terror Litigation at the Israeli High Court of Justice". Journal of Legal Empirical Studies 7(4) 664–692.
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