Members and Officers of the Association and Participants in the projects on Judicial Independence

University of Zurich

Advocate, Zurich Switzerland

Univesity of Cambridge

University of Ghent

Queen Mary, University of London

Deputy High Court Judge London England

Advocat at Eliyahu Bentovim Law Office and Notary, Israel

Cambrige University

Monash University Australia

Case Western Reserve University

Former President of the Bar of Malaysia

Russian Academy of Justice

City University of Hong Kong

Vienna University

Em. Prof. University of St. Gallen, Attorney at law, Zurich.

Birmingham University

University of Utah

Cambridge University

Senior Advocate, ART DE LEX Law Firm, Moscow

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

University of San Diego

Yale Law School

The university of Utah

Universita di Bologna

University of Cambridge

Electoral District of Mount Royal (Quebec)

Kyoto University

Athens Law School

Jagiellonian University in Krakow

senior adv. Supreme Court of India

Vienna University

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

University St. Gallen

Girton College, Cambridge