The International Conference on Judicial Independence, Jerusalem, Israel 2007
Faculty of Law The Sacher Institute for
Hebrew University of Jerusalem Legislative Research and Comparative Law
In Cooperation with The Faculty of Law University of Cambridge
International Conference : Judicial Independence in International Law
Jerusalem, June 26th-27th 2007
Conference Program- DRAFT
June 25th 2007
Arrival of guests.
June 26th 2007
9:00-15:00- Program for the guests: a tour of Jerusalem and of the Hebrew University.
16:00-17:00- Registration and gathering.
17:00-19:30- Opening Session - "Judicial Independence in International Law".
Chairman: Prof. Shimon Shetreet, Director Sacher Institute,
Opening Remarks:
Prof. Yoav Dotan.- Dean, Hebrew University Law Faculty-
Prof. David Feldman- Chairman of the Faculty Board of Law, University of Cambridge.
Prof. James R Crawford, University of Cambridge, "Judicial Independence in International Law".
Prof.. Ruth Lapidoth.- Hebrew University Law Faculty
20:00- dinner, hosted by the dean of the Hebrew University Law Faculty, Prof. Yoav Dotan.
June 27th 2007

A visit at the Supreme Court and at the Knesset:
A meeting with the chairman of the constitution committee, Prof. Menhem Ben Sasson, the Speaker of the Knesset, Mrs. Dalia Itzik, and a meeting with the deputy president of the Supreme Court, Eliezer Rivlin.
1400: Lunch
Guest of Honour : Chief Justice (Retired ) Aaron Barak Supreme Court of Israel
Introduction : Prof. Celia Fassberg
​16:00-17:30​- Session Two
"Judicial independence in international law: the international jurisprudence on impartial and independent tribunal".
Chairman: Prof. Moshe Hirsch, Hebrew University Law Faculty
Dr. Yuval Shany. - Hebrew University Law Faculty
Prof. Nathan Lerner- Inter Disciplinary Center Herzlia
Prof. Dr. Daniel Thurer, University of Zurich
17:30-18:00- Coffee Break
18:00-19:30- Session Three
The Role and Independence of International Judges in Special Jurisdictions
Chairman: Eliezer Rivlin - Deputy President of the Supreme Court
Prof. David Feldman, "The role and independence of international judges in national constitutional court: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina".
Comments :
Dr. Roby Sabel.- Hebrew University Law Faculty