Kutafin Moscow State University (MSAL) Russian Academy of Justice
Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Law ART DE LEX Law Firm University of Cambridge Centre for Public Law
International Association of Judicial Independence and
World Peace International Project on Judicial independence
International Conference on Judicial Independence as Essential Foundation of Justice and Peace
Moscow, 30 May - 1 June 2014
From 29 May to 1 June 2014, the International Association of Judicial Independence and World Peace will hold the Conference in Moscow. As organizers of the Conference are Moscow State University of Law by the name O.E. Kutafin (MSAL), Russian Academy of Justice (RAJ), University of Cambridge Centre of Public Law (UK), Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of law ,Sacher institute (Israel) and Russian law firm ART DE LEX.
The theme of the Conference is “The Judicial Independence as Essential Foundation of Justice and Peace”.
Thursday 29 May 2014
Pre conference social event
Friday 30 May 2014
8:30am – 9:00am: Registration & Get together
9:00am – 10:30am: Opening Session
Chair: Dmitry Magonya, Managing Partner for ART DE LEX Law Firm, Moscow
Opening Remarks and Greetings
Professor Irina Reshetnikova, Urals State Law Academy, President of the Federal Arbitrazh Court of Urals Region, Conference Co-Chair
Professor Shimon Shetreet, Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, President, International Association of Judicial Independence and World Peace, Conference Co-Chair
Professor Vladimir Sinyukov, Prorector, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
Professor Valentin Ershov, Rector, Russian Academy of Justice, Moscow
Professor Christopher Forsyth, Director, Centre for Public Law, University of Cambridge, UK, with videoreference
Dr Sophie Turenne, Murray Edwards College and Faculty of Law,University of Cambridge, UK
10:30am – 11:00am: Break
11:00am – 12:30pm: Session 2: Judicial Independence as a Central Foundation of Culture of Peace
Chair: Professor Dmitry Maleshin, Moscow State University
Introduction of the keynote speaker: Professor Vladimir Sinyukov, Prorector, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
Keynote speaker: Professor Veniamin Yakovlev, Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation, Retired Chairman of the Supreme Arbitrazh Court of the Russian Federation
Professor Valentin Ershov, Rector, Russian Academy of Justice – Legal Clarity as One of the Main Guarantees of Judicial Independence
Professor Ekaterina Shugrina, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) – Judicial Independence as a Guarantee of Local Government in the Russian Federation
Dmitry Magonya, Managing Partner, ART DE LEX Law Firm – Access to Justice for Socially Vulnerable Groups and Judicial Independence
Professor Marina Rozhkova, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) – Judicial Independence as a Guarantee of Unprejudiced Enforcement of Law
Professor Sergey Nikitin, Russian Academy of Justice – Conflict of Interests as an Obstacle for Nomination of Judges
Vote of thanks: Dmitry Magonya, Managing Partner, ART DE LEX Law Firm, Moscow
12:30pm – 2:00pm: Lunch
2:00pm – 3:30pm: Session 3: Strengthening Individual Independence of judges and Institutional Independence of the Judiciary
Chair: Professor David Casson, Former Honorary Secretary, Society of Public Teachers of Law, UK, Former Judge, Immigration Appeal Tribunal, UK.
Sir Louis Blom Cooper QC, Bencher of the Middle Temple; Deputy High Court Judge London, England – Judges in public inquiries redivivus (translated, ‘renewed’) or Horses for Courses
Dato Dr. Cy Das, Past President Bar Association of Malaysia – Retiring Judge and Judicial Independence
Professor H.P. Lee, Monash University, Faculty of Law – Judicial Independence and Judicial Creativity: The Implied Rights Doctrine in Australia
Professor Giuseppe Franco Ferrari, University of Bocconi, Milan – Judicial Independence: Italian Perspectives
Sergey Mikhailov, Candidate of Law Science, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) – The Special Knowledge as a Guarantee of Judicial Independence of the Judges of Intellectual Property Court
Professor Vladimir Yarkov, Urals State Law Academy – video conference – Optimization of Civil Procedure and Independence of Judges
Professor Chandra De Silva, Vice Provost, Old Dominion University, Virginia
3:30pm – 4:30pm: Break
4:30pm – 5:30pm: Session 4: The Impact of Transnational Jurisprudence on Judicial Independence
Chair: Professor Daniel Thuerer, University of Zurich, Vice President, International Association of Judicial Independence and World Peace
Professor Wayne McCormack, University of Utah – Judicial Gaps in International Criminal Law Enforcement
Professor Yitzhak Hadari, University of Tel Aviv and Natanya College of Law – Resolving International Tax Conflicts
Mr. Gian Andrea Danuser, Senior Advocate, Zurich, General Secretary, International Association of Judicial Independence and World Peace
Dr. Sophie Turenne, University of Cambridge, UK – Judicial independence and accountability: two sides of the same coin?
Vladimir Zhbankov, Candidate of Law Science, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) – Role of Judicial System of the EU in the Establishment of the Supremacy of Law Doctrine
Professor Amos Shapira, Dean, School of Law, Carmel Academic Center, Israel
Evening: Official Conference Dinner
Saturday 31 May 2014
9:00am – 10:30am: Session 5: Judicial Independence, Rule of Law, Justice and Peace
Chair: Mr. Richard Barton, Partner, Procopio, Cory, Hargreaves & Savitch Law Firm, San Diego, USA
Professor Graham Zellick, CBE QC, President of the Valuation Tribunal for England, former Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of London and Dean of the Faculty of Laws of Queen Mary, University of London – The Challenges of the independence of the Administrative Justice
Professor Liu Hao, China – Analysis of Recent Development in Mainland China
Professor Sean McConville Queen Mary College – The Legalisation of Illegality: Acts of Indemnity
Artur Zurabyan, Candidate of Law Science, Head Dispute resolution and Mediation practice, ART DE LEX Law Firm – Correlation between the right to appeal decisions of the lower courts and the principle of judicial independence
10:30am – 11:30am: Break
11:00am – 12:30pm: Session 6: Continuing discussion of Mount Scopus International Standards of Judicial Independence
Chair: TBD
Professor Andrew Le Sueur, University of Essex UK – The Legal Profession and Judicial Independence
Professor Jennifer Temkin, LLD, AcSS, Professor of Law at City University, London, a Bencher of the Middle Temple and an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences – The Role of the Bar and the Legal Profession in Maintaining the Independence and Accountability of the Judiciary
Professor Nikolay Petukhov, Russian Academy of Justice – Role of Judicial Community in the Formation of An Independent Court System
Professor Artem Chetverikov, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) – Guarantees of Independence of Judicial Authorities of International Unit of Modern States: Comparative Aspects
Professor Shimon Shetreet, Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, President, International Association of Judicial Independence and World Peace – Developing Universal Judicial Code of Ethics
Professor Shimon Shetreet, Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, President, International Association of Judicial Independence and World Peace – Online Justice or Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)
Concluding remarks:
Professor Marcel Storme, University of Ghent, Honorary President, International Association of Procedural Law
Professor Irina Reshetnikova, Urals State Law Academy, President of the Federal Arbitrazh Court of Urals Region
Professor Shimon Shetreet, Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, President, International Association of Judicial Independence and World Peace
12:30pm – 2:00pm: Lunch
Afternoon: Moscow Tour
Evening: Social Event
Sunday Evening 1 June 2014
Departure to St Petersburg.
The Second Part of Conference will convene in St. Petersburg, June 2-4, including visits of The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, along with historical tours and social events. Return to Moscow June 5th.
During the visit to The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation conference participants had the opportunity to meet in St. Petersburg with three Justices of The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation; Olga S. Khakhryakova (Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation), Larisa O. Krasavchikava (Judge) and Mikhail I. Kleandrov (Judge).
Co Chairs
Professor Irina Reshetnikova, Urals State Law Academy, President of the Federal Arbitrazh Court of Urals Region
Professor Shimon Shetreet, Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, President, International Association of Judicial Independence and World Peace
Organizing Committee
Dmitry Magonya, Managing Partner, ART DE LEX Law Firm, Moscow, Chair
Prof. Victor Blazheev, Rector, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
Professor Sergey V. Nikitin, Vice Rector, Russian Academy of Justice, Moscow,
Professor Dmitry Maleshin, Moscow State University
Professor Shimon Shetreet, Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, President, International Association of Judicial Independence and World Peace