The International Conference on Judicial Independence, Ghent, Belgium 2012
University of Ghent
Hebrew University of Jerusalem University of Cambridge
Faculty of Law Centre of Public Law
International Project on Judicial Independence
The International Association of Judicial Independence And World Peace

International Conference on Judicial Independence:
Impartiality and Fairness of the Judicial Process
Ghent 18-20 October 2012

Hotel: NH Ghent Belfort, Hoogpoort 63. 9000, Ghent, Belgium, Tel. +32 9 2333331
Venue of the conference: University of Ghent, Faculty of Law, Voldersstraat 3 9000 Gent
Thursday, 18 October 2012
18:30 – 20:00 Opening session
Session Chair: Professor Marcel Storme, University of Ghent, Honorary President, International Association of Procedural Law, Conference Co Chair
Professor Dr. Piet Taelman, Dean of the Law Faculty, University of Ghent
Professor Shimon Shetreet, Greenblatt Professor of International and Public Law, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, General Coordinator of the International Project of Judicial Independence, Conference Co Chair
Professor Neil H. Andrews, Professor of Civil Justice and Private Law, University of Cambridge
keynote lectures
The Independence of the Judiciary: A View from Belgium
HE Em. Prof. Justice Marc Bossuyt, President of the Constitutional Court of Belgium
Fairness as a Legal Concept
Sir Louis Blom-Cooper Q.C, Bencher of the Middle Temple; Deputy High Court Judge London, England
General Discussion
Free Evening
Friday, 19 October 2012
09:00 – 10:30: Session 2
Session Chair: Professor Shimon Shetreet, Greenblatt Professor of International
and Public Law, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem ,General Coordinator , International Project of judicial Independence
Disqualification of Judges in US Courts
Professor Jonathan Entin, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Law, Case Western Reserve University
Impartiality of Academic Research: The Balance and Engagement in Interviewing
Professor Sean McConville, School of Law, Queen Mary,
University of London
Recusal of judges
Dr. Cyrus Das, Former President of The Malaysian Bar
Appointment of Judges and Juridical Responsibility of Judges in the Russian Federation
Professor Sergey Nikitin, Head of the Civil, Arbitration, and Administrative Proceedings Department at the Russian Academy of Justice
General Discussion
10:30 – 11:00: Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30 Session 3
Session Chair: Professor Marcel Storme, University of Ghent, Honorary President, International Association of procedural Law.
Impartiality in the Australian Judicial Process
Professor Hoong Phun Lee: Sir John Latham Professor of Law, Faculty of Law, Monash University, Australia
Comparative Perspectives on the Status of Codes of Judicial Ethics
Professor Shimon Shetreet, Greenblatt Professor of International and Public Law, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Supranational and International Courts
Professor Wayne McCormack, Professor of Law, University of Utah
Impartiality and Fairness of the Judicial Process in Russia.
Adv. Dmitry V. Magonya, Senior Advocate, ART DE LEX Law Firm, Moscow
Discussant: Professor Daniel Thuerer, University of Zuerich
General Discussion
12:30 – 14:00: Lunch Break
14:00 – 15:30 Session 4:
Session Chair: Adv. Eli Bentovim, Eliyahu Bentovim Law Office and Notary, Israel.
An Unprecedented Case Regarding the Impartiality of Austrian Supreme Court Judges
Professor Dr. h.c. Walter H. Rechberger, Head of the Department of Civil Procedure, Institut für Zivilverfahrensrecht, Vienna University
Recent Developments in Judicial Elections in the United States and their Impact on Judicial Independence
Professor Chandra R Desilva, Vice Provost, Old Dominion University, Virginia
How Parliamentarians Talk To And About The Judiciary in the UK
Professor Andrew Le Sueur: Professor of Public Law, Queen Mary University of London
Entering the Political Thicket: The Role of the Judiciary as an Arbiter in Relation to Making and Implementation of Public Policy
Professor Anton Cooray, Associate Dean and Professor, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong
Discussant: Professor Jens Drolshammer, Em. Professor of law, University of St. Gallen, Attorney at law, Zurich.
General Discussion
Friday evening Reception: Professor and Mrs. Marcel Storme, Coupre 3, Ghent.
Saturday, 20 October 2012
09:00 – 10:30: Session 5
Session Chair: Mr. Gian Andrea Danuser, Advocate, Zurich Switzerland
Drawing a Line between Independence and Impartiality
Professor Keith Uff, University of Birmingham
Relations between the Tribunal and the Parties
Professor Neil H. Andrews, Professor of Civil Justice and Private Law, University of Cambridge
Judicial Impartiality in China
Professor Sanqiang Qu, Professor of law ,Peking University law School
Judge Professor Dr. Paul Lemmens, The European Court of Human Rights.
General Discussion
10:30 – 11:00 : Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30: Session 6: "Further Review of the International Standards of Judicial Independence"
Session Chair: HE Markus Buechel, Senior Advocate, Liechtenstein
Public Inquiries by Judges
Professor Sir Louis Blom Cooper Q.C, Bencher of the Middle Temple; Deputy High Court Judge London, England
The Legal Profession and Judicial Independence
Professor Andrew Le Sueur: Professor of Public Law, Queen Mary University of London
Beyond Principle of Judicial Independence to Culture of Judicial Independence
Candidacy of the International Project of Judicial independence for Nobel peace prize 2013
Professor Shimon Shetreet, Greenblatt Professor of International
and Public Law, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem ,General Coordinator , International Project of judicial Independence
General Discussion
12:30 – 13:00 : Conclusion :Prof Marcel Storme
1300 - 1400 Lunch
Afternoon and Evening Social Event
Contact details
Faculty of Law - Ghent University – Institute for Procedural Law
Tel. +32 9 264 69 32 (Mrs. Carla Baillière – from Monday to Thursday)
Fax +32 9 264 69 93
Street Address: Voldersstraat 3, 9000 Gent
Postal address: Universiteitstraat 4 B - 9000 Gent, Belgium
Professor Marcel Storme ,Co Chair of the Conference
Chair of the Organizing Committee
Advocatenassociatie cvba
Coupure 5 | 9000 GENT | T: +32(0)9/224.34.99 | F: +32(0)9/223.99.50
Prof . Shimon Shetreet, Co Chair of the Conference
Greenblatt Professor of International and Public Law
Faculty of Law
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mt Scopus ,Jerusalem 91905
Tel 972-2 5882534
Fax: 972-2 5864503
Cell: +972-544 777185
E-Mail: mshetree@mscc.huji.ac.il
NH Ghent Belfort,
Hoogpoort 63. 9000,
Ghent, Belgium,
Tel. +32 9 2333331
Ground transportation
From Brussels: Trains leave for Ghent a number of times each hour make sure to take the direct train