The International Conference on Judicial Independence, Cambridge, England 2009
Hebrew University of Jerusalem University of Cambridge
Faculty of Law Faculty of Law
Harry and Michael Sacher Centre for Public Law
Institute of Comparative Law
With the support of
Sacher Family Trust
Daniel Jacobson Foundation
Mizock Chair
The Culture of Judicial Independence:
Conceptual Foundations and Practical Challenges
Cambridge, 14 -16 August 2009
Venues: Faculty of Law, 10 West Road, Cambridge
Robinson College, Grange Road, Cambridge
Clare College, Old Court Cambridge
14 August 2009: Faculty of Law, Room LG17
18:00 – 19:30 Opening Session
Chair: Prof. Christopher Forsyth, Co-Chairman of the Conference
Director Centre of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge
Prof. Shimon Shetreet , Co-Chairman of the Conference
Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
*Prof. J. Anthony Jolowicz
Professor Emeritus of Comparative Law, Trinity College, University of Cambridge
Prof. Sir Louis Blom-Cooper QC,
Formerly Prof., University of Cambridge, Bencher of the Middle Temple
“Age of judicial responsibility: resignation and retirement of appellate judges.”
Prof. Neil Andrews
University of Cambridge, Clare College
“Identifying Fundamental Principles in Civil Litigation.”
19:30 Welcome Dinner: Clare College, Old Court
15 August 2009: Faculty of Law, Room LG17
9:00 – 10:45 Session I - Contemporary Challenges of the Judiciary and the Role of International Standards in Creating a Culture of Judicial Independence
Chair: Prof. Shimon Shetreet
Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
K.K. Venugopal
Senior Advocate ,Supreme Court of India
Prof. Hiram Chodosh [by video]
Dean, College of Law, University of Utah
Dato' Dr. Cyrus Das
Former President of the Bar of Malaysia
“The Threats to Judicial Independence.”
Prof. Chandra de Silva
Dean, College of Arts and Letters at Old Dominion University, Norfolk VA.
General Discussion
10:45 – 11:00 Break: Atrium
11:00 – 12:30 Session II - Dynamic development of the Concept of Judicial Independence
Chair: *Prof. J. Anthony Jolowicz
Professor Emeritus of Comparative Law, University of Cambridge
Prof. Anton Cooray
City University of Hong Kong
“Judicial Independence and Legislative Supremacy”
Prof. Amnon Reichman
Haifa University Faculty of Law
“Judicial Non-Dependence - Concrete and Diffuse External Pressures: Media, Market, and Religion.”
Prof. Ze'ev Segal
Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University,
and Senior Legal editor, Haaretz Daily Newspaper
“Judicial Independence and the Media.”
General Discussion
12:30 – 12:45 Break:Atrium
12:45 – 14:00 Session III - Judicial Independence and Transnational Aspects
Chair: H.E. Adv. Markus Buechel
Senior Lawyer, Liechtenstein
Prof. Shimon Shetreet
Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law, Hebrew University Jerusalem.
Prof. Dr. Walter Rechberger
University of Vienna
“Judicial Independence and Arbitration – an Antinomy?”
Prof. Maimon Schwarzschild
Faculty of Law, University of San Diego
“Two Kinds of Independence, Two Kinds of Internationalism.”
Dr. Guy Seidman
IDC Herzliya, Radzyner School of Law
“Use at your own risk' - How and Why the Use of Foreign Precedent Threatens Judicial Independence.”
General Discussion
14:00 – 15:00 Lunch: Atrium
15:00 Close/Free Time
16 August: Robinson College, Garden Room
9:00 – 10:30 Session IV - Judicial Selection and Judicial Conduct
Chair: Prof. Yitzhak Hadari
Tel Aviv University, Natanya College Law
Prof. Martin Friedland
University of Toronto
“Judicial Selection and Judicial Conduct in Canada.”
Prof. Keith Uff
University of Birmingham
“Grounds for Judicial Recusal in England and Wales.”
Prof. Fu Yulin
Peking University School of Law
“A Framework of Researches on Judicial Independence in China.”
Prof. Yuval Shany
Hersch Lauterpacht Chair in Public International Law, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
General Discussion
11:00 – 11:30 Break: Seminar Room
11:00 – 12:30 Session V - Judges in a Democracy: The relation between the Judiciary, the Executive and the Legislature
Chair: *Dr. Anat Scolnicov
Deputy Director, Centre for Public Law, University of Cambridge
Prof. Wayne McCormack
The S. J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah
“Maintaining Judicial Independence in the Face of Violence and Threats”
Prof. H P Lee
Associate Dean Monash Univrsity Faculty of Law
“The Separation of Judicial Power as the Foundation of Judicial Independence in Australia.”
Prof. Marshall Breger
Columbus School of Law, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
Dr. Margit Cohn
Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Law.
"Substantive Grounds of Judicial Review: The Future of Unreasonableness and Proportionality and the Role of the Judiciary"
General Discussion
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 Close of Conference
Officers of the Conference/Co-Chairmen:
Prof. Christopher Forsyth
Prof. Shimon Shetreet
Organising Committee:
Professor Christopher F Forsyth,
Co-Chair of the Conference, Cambridge 2009
Director Centre of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge
Faculty of Law
University of Cambridge
10 West Road
Cambridge CB3 9DZ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-1223- 330065
Professor Shimon Shetreet,
General Coordinator, International Project on Judicial Independence
Co-Chair the Conference, Cambridge 2009
Greenblatt Professor of International and Public Law
Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mt Scopus, Jerusalem 91905
Office: 972-2-5882534, 972-2-5882535
Fax: 972-2-5864503
E-Mail: mshetree@mscc.huji.ac.il
HE Advocate Markus Buechel
Senior Lawyer, Liechtenstein.
Tel: 004232334450
Fax: 004232334451
E-Mail: markus.buechel@sn-mail.li
Conference Administration:
Felicity Eves – Centre of Public Law, University of Cambridge
Akiva Miller – Faculty of Law, Hebrew University
Ran Sagi – Faculty of Law, Hebrew University
Ilana Laitman, Adv - Faculty of Law, Hebrew University
Email: l_ilana@yahoo.com