Avrom Sherr
Judicial Independence Publications
Avrom Sherr, Effectiveness of Online Dispute Resolution in the County Court, MOJ 2009
Evaluation of the Public Defenders Service in England and Wales, Sherr, Bridges, Cape, Fenn, Mitchell and Moorhead (TSO London) 2007
Avrom Sherr, The Other Side of the Mountain – An Evaluation of the Overberg Access to Justice Programme in South Africa, The Danish Centre for Human Rights, 2003, Sherr, et al.
Avrom Sherr, The Skills of Advocacy, Re-published by OUP, Sherr A.H., 2002 Quality and Cost, Final Report on the Contracting of Civil, Non-Family Advice and Assistance Pilot, 2001, (Stationery Office), Moorhead, R.L., Sherr, A.H., Webley, L., Rogers, S., Sherr, L., Paterson, A.,
Domberger, S. (2001)
Journal Articles, Book Chapters and Substantial Reviews
Avrom Sherr, Shrinking Legal Aid, Unrepresented Litigants an Judicial Independence, Chapter 27 in The Culture of Judicial Independence – Conceptual Foundations and Practical Challenges, Shetreet, S, Forsyth, C (Ed) (Koninklijke Brill NV 2012)
Avrom Sherr, Editorial Introduction, The Hamlyn Lectures, Tom Bingham Widening Horizons: the influence of comparative law and international law on domestic law, Cambridge University Press (2010)
The “Clients” of the Publicly Funded Lawyer, Mason, M. and Sherr, A. in Delivering Effective Legal Aid Services across Diverse Communities. ILAG (2009)
The Public Defender in England and Wales – A Flawed Experiment, Cape, E., Bridges, L., Moorhead, R., and Sherr, A. in Legal Aid: A New Beginning? ILAG (2007)