Aims of the Association
1. Promote the principle of judicial independence as a central foundation of democracy and peace domesticly and internationally.
2. Strive to encourage and support the building of culture of Judicial independence, culture of democracy and culture of peace.
3. Draft international standards of judicial independence and to revise them from time to time, based on the work and deliberations of an International team of Jurists.
4. Conduct research projects on judicial independence and world peace.
5. Promote the ideals of peace, democracy, freedom and liberty by strengthening and maintaining judicial independence in all its aspects.
6. Help judges, judiciaries and jurists when they face threats or challenges to judicial independence.
7. Conduct conferences on judicial independence.

8. Initiate educational projects promoting judicial independence.
9. Follow up on challenges or threats to judicial independence or practices adversely affecting judicial independence.
10. An important function of The International Association of Judicial Independence and World Peace is recording violations of judicial independence and rule of law and helping judges , legal officers and public bodies and civil society organisation to deal with cases of violations.
11. Support culture of peace in all its aspects.
Activity of the Association
1980-82: The members of the Association developed The Code of Minimum Standards of Judicial Independence which were adopted in New Delhi, under the framework of the International Bar Association. this was done in conferences in Berlin, Lisbon, Jerusalem and New Delhi.

1983: The members took part in drafting the Montreal Universal Declaration on the Independence of Justice.

1985: The works of the project conducted during 1980-1985 were published in Prof. Shimon Shetreet and Chief Justice Jules Descenes, ed., JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE: THE CONTEMPORARY DEBATE (Martinus Nijhoff 1985)

​1986: General Report on human rights was presented at the 12th Congress of Comparative Law, Sydney, Melburn, Australia.

1991:​ The major report on "Independence and Responsibility of Judges and Lawyers" was presented in the International Congress of the World Association on Procedural Law, Coimbra - Lisbon, Portugal.
​2000: The members of the Association contributed to the study of the Discretionary Power of the Judge, in the 50th Anniversary of the International Association of Procedural Law, University of Ghent.

1999-2009: Members of the Association took part in the Culture of Peace Project and in the Religions for Peace Organization International (RPO International) and organized conferences around the world.

2007-2012: Revision during series of conferences in Jerusalem 2007, Vadouz 2007, Jerusalem 2008, Krakow 2008, Cambridge 2009, Utah 2010, Vienna 2011, Hong Kong 2012 and Ghent 2012 and in University of San Diego, August 2013.of the 1982 New-Delhi Minimum Standards of Judicial Independence which was concluded in the Mt. Scopus International Standards on Judicial Independence.

2014: The theme of the Moscow Conference was "Judicial Independce as an Essential Foundation of Justice and Peace". hroughout the conference, the members of the Association discussed and approved amendments to the Mt. Scopus Standards, with particular attention to three areas; difficulties associated with online dispute resolution, adding a chapter on lawyers in the Mt. Scopus Standards, and the development of a global judicial ethics code.
Next Conference:
The next conference will be in held at the University of Osnabrück in October 2014.